Become a member of the 490 Club! For $7.00 a week, $1 a day or the price of a cup of flat white these days, regularly give to the work of the Centre for Marriage and Family. Your regularly giving will go towards funding initiatives and projects that will help meet the needs of the heart of families enabling us to support families, build a marriage culture and spread the Good News!
Why 490?
The spiritual significance of the number 490 is that it is the answer to the equation seven times
seventy (7 x 70). Seven is the number for completness or wholeness, and seventy is the number
of perfection.
There are several references in the Bible of 490, but perhaps the most popular one comes from the Gospel of Matthew where Peter asks Jesus "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? As many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven." Seventy times seven is 490. This means that Jesus is saying that we must forgive our brother who sins against us perfectly and completely. In the context of giving, 490 symbolises giving completely and perfectly. Your faithful regular giving through the 490 Club will help to create a lasting legacy that will have a positive impact for families and future generations and for all eternity.
How to join
Simply fill in the form below and set up an automatic payment of $7.00 every week or $28.00 per month to the CMF account: 06-0513-0345186-10.